Church Notices
Notices for 16th February 2025
The service next Sunday will be Family Communion. The Annual Parochial Church meeting will be held in May. If you would like to be entitled to vote at that meeting to elect people to represent you on the Parochial Church Council, or to chose who the churchwardens...
Parish Diary
PARISH DIARY FOR THE COMING WEEKS 29th Dec A Benefice service at All Saints Church at 10.00 am. NO SERVICE HERE AT ST. JAMES 5th Jan Holy Communion – second Sunday of Christmas (No Sunday School) 12th Jan All Age Worship, with Christingle – the Baptism of Christ...
Through the Decades Concert
On the evening of 31st August the Haslingden Concert Band treated us to a sell out ‘Through the Decades’ concert. A fabulous programme of music from the 50’s to the 80’s was enjoyed by all. A fantastic total of £1312 was raised which will be added to the Church roof...
Roof Work
Altham Church roof repaired thanks to grant from the National Churches Trust in association with the National Lottery Heritage Fund The final stage of refurbishing the roof of St James’ C of E Church, Altham – which was built in 1512 – has been completed. The latest...
Roof work – exhibition
Have you see the exhibition at the back of church showing the recent work to the roof?
Holy Week Services
HOLY WEEK SERVICES DURING HOLY WEEK 24th March - Palm Sunday 25th March - Holy Communion with the opportunity to receive prayer and the laying on of hands for healing at 7.30 pm here at St James 26th March - Open the Book Easter worship in St Mary’s church 26th March...
Marian Marsh
Rest in Peace our dear friend Marian. Sadly missed and fondly remembered. Our thoughts and prayers are with Ashley, Robin and their family.
Coronation Concert
The Haslingden Concert Band treated us to a fantastic Coronation Concert on the evening of 5th May 2023. The band have supported us for several years now and each time they play for us we think it can't get better, but once again they proved us wrong! They blew us...
Parochial Church Meeting
Today we had out annual Parochial Church Meeting. A massive thank you to all who serve our church, especially or Churchwardens and our Church Council members. Les and Sue were re-elected as wardens, Cath and Adele to serve as Deanery Synod reps, and Helen and David...