Giving & Finance

We thank God for the generous giving of members of St. James and others to the work of our Church. Without the generosity of so many people over hundreds of years, our work in the community and beyond would not have been possible. We pray that this continues.

“Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver”
(2 Corinthians 9.7).

The cost of sustaining this work, including maintaining the Church buildings and a full-time ministry, is considerable, and the vast majority is provided by those for whom St James, Altham is “my church”. We realise that personal giving can be a sensitive issue and the amount that each individual gives is a private matter between them and God. Whatever amount you give, there are several ways of  doing it. Here are some suggestions, including some ways to give more, without it costing you a penny!

Monthly Standing Order

Traditionally, personal giving in the Church of England has been in the form of cash, placed on a collection plate during religious services. Very often personalised weekly envelopes were used, one for each week of the year, to encourage a habit of regular giving. Covid has changed all that because, with very few services having been permitted during 2020, funding would have dried up had givers not been encouraged to pay each month by bankers’ standing order. This guaranteed the continuation of a regular monthly income, whether or not the church was open, and has been a lifeline for the church. It has now become, by far, the most popular method of giving. Talk to the treasurer if this is something you would like to do.

Payroll Giving

If you pay tax via the Paye system as an employee, or on your works pension, most employers participate in the Payroll Giving scheme which deducts the amount you give directly from your wage and it is then forwarded straight to us. You get tax relief on your giving through the Paye system so the amount you can give can be increased by the tax saved.


Although the present church was built in 1512, we have to keep up with the times, especially since Covid has created a massive switch towards a cashless society. Accordingly, you can make a payment in church using your contactless debit card. Just ask the treasurer.   

Gift Aid

Taxpayers can boost the amount they give, with no cost to themselves, either by signing a Gift Aid declaration and setting up a monthly bankers’ standing order, or by completing the details on the front of the Gift Aid envelopes which are in each pew, and putting their collection into those envelopes each week. These Gift Aid envelopes can also be used for one off gifts or donations. If you need help the treasurer will show you how this works.

By using this method of giving the church can reclaim the basic rate tax you have paid on your donation – a boost of 25% to the amount you give. This comes to several thousand pounds each year; a very welcome addition to our income, and all for nothing!

Give AS You Live

These days many of us shop on-line and when you shop via the “Give as you Live” website, each retailer gives a % of the amount you spend to the church. Here’s how it works:-

First – sign up to Give As You Live then click “Join Now”, select “St James Church, Altham” as your nominated charity, then install the shopping bar (top right). You are now ready to go. When you want to shop on line, go to the “Give As You Live” website and select the store you want from the drop down list – there are over 3500 – and carry on shopping as normal.

And finally…

please do consider making a bequest to the church in your will. By doing so, you will help to ensure that this beautiful and holy place will continue to be a place of peace, sanctity and worship for another 500 years.