Church Keeping


No church would be complete without beautiful fresh flowers each week. The cost of each week’s flowers is sponsored by individuals for whom that week may have particular significance, perhaps the anniversary of the death of a loved one, or maybe to commemorate some special occasion in their lives. There are still one or two weeks available to sponsor from as little as £15 per week. Contact details can be found on the contact page.


Hands up all those who like cleaning and polishing! Not so many, but it is a job that has to be done and we have several teams of two who take it in their turns to clean the church and every three months we have a “big clean” with all the teams on a Saturday morning. It is not an onerous task and all cleaning at heights or difficult to reach places is taken care of by specialists. The commitment is for a couple of hours each time your team appears on the rota so the more teams of volunteers we have, the fewer times a year each team has to clean. We are looking for more teams to join the rota to keep the place looking spick and span, where everything polish-able gleams with love – and elbow grease!