Altham Village Car Boot Sale
Each year, usually in early June, the Church organises the Village Car Boot Sale on the large car park of the Walton Arms which is right next door to the church. Pitches are let to stallholders and the church runs a refreshments stall selling hot and cold drinks and home-made sandwiches and cakes, and, at the other end of the car park the barbecue is fired up and bacon butties and burgers do a roaring trade.
All the pitch rents and profits from the church stalls go straight to the church and we are grateful to the management of the Walton Arms for the use of their car park and to Stephen Hallworth’s Butchers for the donations of bacon, burgers and cold meats.

Lottery (100 Club)
This Month’s winner is Joan Bright. Congratulations!
The 100 Club monthly lottery draw generates up to £6000 each year. We pay out over £1600 in prize money, leaving £4400 as a much needed income stream. Thank you to everyone who takes part.
Just £5 a month gives you an entry into the draw and a chance to win the monthly prize, which will be 25% of the total receipts. That means a prize of £125 if all numbers are taken up – and that doubles to £250 in December!
To join, contact Les Moore at or see one of the Team at the church.

Christmas Raffle
Every December we hold our Christmas Raffle which is always a great success. The first prize is £100 and there are many more prizes, all donated by parishioners and local businesses, which is great, because it means that all the money, from every ticket sold, goes to the church. We are grateful to Willowbrook Home Care who are the sponsor of the first prize.

Recipe Book
As part of the 500 year celebrations in 2012 we compiled a book of favourite recipes, tried and tested by members of the congregation. Nigella Lawson charges £20 for hers. Ours? Just £2.