Regular Services
First Sunday
Holy Communion & Sunday School
Second Sunday
All Age Worship
Third Sunday
Holy Communion and Sunday School
Fourth Sunday
Family Communion, followed by Private Prayer ministry
Fifth Sunday
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
This service is aimed at the adults in our congregation. It follows a traditional pattern of worship using a modern service book other than during the seasons of Advent and Lent, when the Book of Common Prayer is used.
The sevice lasts approx. 50 mins to 1 hour
Sunday School takes place in a separate room during this service. The children re-join their families during The Peace
All Age Worship
This is intended to include all age groups in the congregation and is usually led by people in the ministry team. Members of the congregation are typically involved in readings and prayers. It is particularly child friendly.
The service lasts approximately 45 mins
Normally refreshments are provided after the service.
The Angels Service
It is held on Thursday, once a month, in the school hall, immediately after school finishes. Children must be accompanied by an adult but it is not restricted to families who attend the day school. Everyone is welcome.
The service lasts about 45 minutes to an hour and is very different in style to regular services. A theme is usually selected for a term and each service is linked to this.
The session begins with refreshments for children and adults and is then followed by a story or dramatisation. Child-friendly and familiar worship songs are used and new ones taught. A short talk and prayers are incorporated at a suitable point and the children engage in a game and/or craft activity. They usually leave with things to follow-up with the family at home.

Family Communion
This is intended to be a family service led by the vicar but using a simpler, adapted version of the service as used in our church schools. Specially written service books are available for the children to allow them to follow the service, helping them to know what to do, when and why. Hymns and readings are specially chosen for these services which are likely to be recognised by the younger members of the congregation.
Lasts approximately 50 mins.
Normally refreshments are provided after the service.