Our over-riding aim is to provide services of public worship or to make the church available for private prayer, in order to give those who feel it appropriate to participate in the worship during these difficult times. We are however bound by legislation and guidance issued by H M Government and we are obliged to have due regard to instructions and guidance issued by the Church of England.
We are once again encouraging adults to wear face coverings when attending worship at St James’ – unless exempt. This isn’t a legal requirement, but is in line with strong advice from the diocese.
The fact that church may be open for worship should not make anyone feel obliged to come at this stage. Those who are shielding should NOT attend public worship or private prayer.
Others who are, or who live with, those at increased risk should they contract COVID-19 should think carefully about whether or not it is right for them to come at this stage. We are taking the steps necessary to make it as safe as practical for people who attend. Please do your bit by using the hand sanitiser when entering and leaving the building and by following the instructions of the stewards.
As the Government eased restrictions in early August, we have been able to relax some stringent protection measures which were in place, firstly by opening more pews. As a result, all the pews in one half of the church have been made available, but only alternate pews in the other half are in use, in order that those who wish to continue to social distance may do so.
A collection is now being taken during the service, but, during the pandemic, many people switched to making their weekly offering by Bankers’ Standing order. If you haven’t already done so, perhaps now is the time to think about it. The treasurer will let you have the details.
We will stream the 11am service from All Saints’ Church for people not attending to watch at home, either live or on catch up. Other times of worship will continue as at present to be offered via Facebook – 10:45am short family worship on Sunday mornings, 10am Morning Prayer on Wednesday and Friday mornings, 6:30pm Friday Praise and 9:30pm Night Prayer (except Friday).