Open the Book
Open the Book is a national project from the Bible Society. It gives primary school children the opportunity to hear and engage with stories from the bible. It is a voluntary, unpaid service offered by local church teams to schools as a contribution to their collective worship sessions.
A typical session begins with a brief introduction to place the story in context, followed by a dramatic presentation of a story from the resource pack and then time for quiet reflection.

Our team consists of approximately ten members from the two churches in our benefice. Not all of the team is needed in any one presentation, though all are welcome. This larger team provides cover for members unable to participate for various reasons – appointments, holidays etc. ensuring that presentations can still go ahead.
We visit four schools in our benefice, our two church primary schools but also the Roman Catholic and Community Primary schools. The visits to our church schools are once a month and in addition the other two schools are visited once a half term. We are mindful of the need to avoid overburdening individual members of the team as they are all volunteers.
We have frequently been invited to diocesan events and to other churches within and beyond the Blackburn Diocese to present stories and encourage others to form their own teams.
The presentations take approximately two hours out of a morning once a month, allowing for relocation from school to school, although the actual story-telling probably lasts only fifteen minutes.
We have a practice run-through for an hour once a month usually at All Saints Church followed by coffee and bacon butties at the Garden Centre. Transport can be arranged and we have great fellowship and fun. If you have a spare couple of hours and a burning desire to be a thespian why not come along to a practice and see what we do.
For Further Details
please contact the co-ordinator Sue Tinker at: or call: 01282 7748280