Bible Eggsplorers
The creator of these resources, an ex-primary school teacher with 30 years experience, uses them as part of our church mission, encouraging a wider knowledge of the bible in young people. Our faith is built upon the teachings in the Bible and stories are the foundation stones.
The aim of the Bible Eggsplorers is to encourage children to learn about the characters and stories within the Bible in an engaging way, to lay these foundation stones.
Hopefully this leads in later years, to further investigation and interest through independent reading and learning, allowing them to build up their faith.
The resources are widely recognised and used by dioceses, schools and churches across the country.
They are wooden eggs, hand painted as bible characters but with many additional items including guidance notes, board and card games, jigsaws and books. The eggs can be used for small world play, display and story-telling. Resources are constantly in development in response to needs and requests.
In our church you will see many examples of bible eggsplorers in use. Our Altham angels are suspended over the font, holding angels are used in the prayer corner and are on sale, pew bags for family use and Sunday School resources.
The pew bags allow families of primary aged children to have faith- based resources in their pew for times during services where children are becoming restless.
Our church also uses these resources for special sessions in church at times such as Christmas and Easter when events are organised for schools, incorporating worship and a carousel of fun activities to engage children, leaving them with a better understanding of these special festivals.
For Further Details
Contact Sue Tinker at or call 01282 774828
Sue is happy to provide training for church leaders, lead worship in schools and run Eggsplorer Days.
Altham Angels
As an offshoot of the Bible Eggsplorers, Sue has created these beautiful hand painted angels. On sale at church.