The Angels Service

The Altham Angels service was established at the start of the Diocesan Vision initiative to ‘plant’ a new congregation of individuals who for one reason or another chose not to attend the regular Sunday service.

It is held on a Thursday, once a month, in the school hall, immediately after school finishes. Children must be accompanied by an adult but it is not restricted to families who attend the school. Everyone is welcome.

The service lasts about 45 minutes to an hour and is very different in style to regular church services. A theme is usually selected for a term and each service is linked to this.

The session begins with refreshments for children and adults and is then followed by a story or dramatisation. Child-friendly and familiar worship songs are used and new ones taught. A short talk and prayers are incorporated at a suitable point and the children engage in a game and/or  craft activity. They usually leave with things to follow-up with the family at home.

We have an enthusiastic team of individuals including the vicar and volunteers, who all play a part in delivering these services.